Priority Three
Program Priority Area Three
Facilitate effective professional development programs for agents, specialists and producers.
Work closely with agents to identify personal professional development opportunities to further professional skills, stimulate creativity, broaden their perspective, encourage innovation, and allow for experimentation.
Agent Involvement
Current Activities:
- Experimenting with unmanned aerials,
- video production training,
- peer farmer network development,
- podcast development, and
- a small group of agents interested in and having conversations around AI and holographic imaging.
Specialist Involvement
Specialists will develop trainings for agents to acquire new skill sets and knowledge to be effective in their ever-evolving roles.
Provide the conduit for specialists to work in cross-disciplinary teams to develop in-depth and higher-level trainings in emerging and/or high demand agriculture and horticulture areas to facilitate the development of the new skills and knowledge for agents to meet the needs of the ever-changing agriculture and horticulture industries.
Producer Involvement
Assist in putting together teams of agents and specialists to deliver training to producers in identified, high need production areas to increase producer efficiency and sustainability.